The “Camera Gear Debate”
a waste of time
Camera gear.
With the development of the online photography community, talking about gear has become the trend.
“Which camera should I buy? What accessories do I need? Which lens should I use?”
This cycle has taken photography and turned it into something more about the equipment and less about the photos.
Similarly, the development of the “youtube persona” has shown several top youtubers pronouncing that “gear doesn’t matter”.
The irony being that many of these youtubers preached this idea whilst lounging around with equipment behind them that costed thousands.
This infuriated many.
The intent wasn’t bad however - the idea was to encourage others to photograph with what they had instead of what they felt like they needed.
Regardless, many started to claim that “gear does matter”.
Depending on the type of work one does, specific camera bodies or lenses are required to capture the shot one needs. Whether it being weather resistance, a certain focal length, or camera speed - equipment does in fact matter.
So why am I bothered by all of this?
Well…because it all seems pointless. I honestly feel like the points made by each side are valid and there will never be a “winner” to this debate.
The idea behind “gear doesn’t matter” is meant to encourage others to make photographs instead of waiting around to get a certain camera.
The idea behind “gear does matter” is to state the obvious - people need certain equipment to get the shots they want.
As one can see - there is no clear winner. Because the types of equipment one “needs” is entirely subjective. Each person has their own type of art they create and require different things to reach that level.
Therefore chances are, each individual already knows whether gear matters to him/her or not.
So it’s pointless to argue.
Instead, I wish to highlight this.
A tiny small device that fits in your pocket. This is something accessible to nearly everyone, and can capture high quality photographs unimaginable to people only a quarter century ago.
The evolution of technology is incredible. The fact that cameras even exist is incredible.
With just the click of a button, or tap on a touch screen, we can immortalize a moment, frozen in time, and save it forever.
And instead of marveling in the existence of photography, we sit here arguing over equipment. Talk about first world problems.
So I write.
To the current readers and listeners: lets end it here.
Lets accept that each photographer is their own individual who has different wants and needs.
Lets accept that what each person wishes to create is different - but art nonetheless.
And lets embrace these differences, go outside, and take photos.
A video essay I’d made on the idea. A bit poorly articulated but with the same passion nonetheless.