These 2 Focal Lengths Will Teach You Street Photography
When it comes to learning street photography, there are two focal lengths in particular that I’ve found to be the most helpful.
And obviously, everyone’s mileage differs.
You can pick and choose whichever focal length suits you, but I’ve found these two to be:
the most intuitive to understand
the most versatile in situations
accessible to most photographers
We’ll be speaking mainly in aps-c terms since I shoot Fujifilm, but I’ll list the full frame equivalents as well.
Let’s begin.
23mm (35eq)
The 23mm (or 35eq) is my personal favorite focal length.
I’ve found this focal length to be well suited for not only street photography but everyday and casual photography as well.
It’s a good mixture for someone who needs an “all-purpose” focal length, with the option to dabble on the side.
And this was the focal length that I used when I first got into street photography.
Let’s talk about some of it’s pros.
The Pros of the 23mm
I recommend the 23mm for street photography for a few reasons, one being it’s “natural” field of view.
The 23mm and the 35mm (aps-c) are known to be natural field of views, which are close to what the human eye sees.
Having a natural field of view allows you to translate better what you’re seeing into a more relatable image for your viewer.
Sure, distinct looks can come from a wider or more telephoto lens, but we’ll talk about those later.
The 23mm is also slightly tighter than your average smartphone, which is commonly an 18mm, and I find this great.
It’s enough to make your photos look different without being completely unfamiliar.
So it’s a great transition focal length for many beginners who are just getting started and are used to photography with their phones.
Another benefit is that unlike the 35mm, the 23mm is slightly wider.
Meaning that it’s useful in situations with crowds and lots of people.
You don’t have to worry about getting too close, rather the opposite tends to be the problem.
Because of this, it’s quite easy to use this focal length not only outside, but also indoors in tight cramped places like restaurants.
Similarly when you’re outside, this focal length will teach you an important street photography lesson: to move your feet.
I’ve talked about this before, but it’s often a bad habit of many photographers to zoom in to get a closer shot.
Or shoot with a tighter lens because it’s easier to get close that way than to walk.
But with a 23mm, you have no choice.
It’s not close enough like a 35mm where you can stay at a decent distance and fire away.
Rather, when I’m outside, I often find myself too far from my subjects.
So this focal length forces me to get closer and step outside of my comfort zone to get the shot.
I think this is an invaluable lesson for street photography, one that I deal with on a daily basis.
Getting close to your subjects risks them seeing you, making for awkward stares, or just ruining the moment you were trying to capture.
And although on the surface having to get close may seem like a bad thing, it’s a great teacher.
It’ll force you to work around the constraints and improve - and your photos will get better as a result.
So this is a focal length that isn’t too wide or too challenging.
You could pick an even wider lens and then you’ll really have to move your feet, but I think that’s a stretch for many beginner photographers, and this focal length will teach you the lesson without being too much.
So those are a few pros of using the 23mm to learn street photography.
Let’s talk about some of it’s limitations.
Limitations of the 23mm
When it comes to focal lengths, no single one can do it all.
And the 23mm is no exception.
In street photography, I find this focal length is limited by it’s “wideness”.
Ironic, I know, because we speak about that being a “pro” as well.
But sometimes it can be a little too wide to get the right shot.
There are also certain scenarios where you’re just too far from your subject and you can’t get to the right place fast enough and that can be frustrating.
It can also be a tough teacher.
Some people gel better with an 18mm or 35mm and the 23mm can be awkward for them - because it’s not the way they see the world.
In those cases, I’d recommend another focal length.
But you can’t really know unless you try it out, right?
Some people also find this focal length unappealing at times.
This is because the 23mm doesn’t have the full appeal of a “wide lens” but it’s not tight enough to have a compression that looks more professional, like the 35mm or 50mm.
Personally that’s why I like it, but I understand why people don’t.
It means to get a good shot with the 23mm you are limited to certain compositions and framings.
It’s a bit difficult for me to describe but there are shots I’ve taken where I feel restricted by the focal length and can’t properly fill my frame up.
But I think that’s a natural outcome of any prime lens - no one lens can do it all.
So although the 23mm has it’s limitations it’s still my favorite focal length, and nailing shots where the look does shine, is immensely satisfying.
If you’re having qualms, I say try it out - I think you can still learn lots with it.
What Lenses Are My Options?
When it comes to lenses, you have quite a few options.
I shoot Fujifilm, so we’ll speak about the X-Mount lenses.
My main lens/camera of choice for a 23mm is the x100 series cameras.
They have fixed 23mm f2 lenses.
Fujifilm also has a few primes of this focal length like the 23mm f2 and 23mm 1.4.
I’ve never owned these lenses as the V or VI have filled that role for me, but I’ve heard good things about them.
So any one of theses lenses can work for you.
The 23mm f2 is probably the most budget friendly, the x100 cameras are the most compact, and the f1.4s will get you the widest aperture.
The choice is yours.
An honorable mention as an alternative to the 23mm is the 18mm lenses.
Some people prefer this focal length as their street photography prime of choice.
I personally don’t gel with the 18mm as much as it reminds me too much of a smartphone and it’s too wide for my tastes.
But if you prefer something wider, this focal length can teach you many of the same lessons about street photography as the 23mm and is a great alternative.
35mm (50eq)
The second focal length I’d recommend to learn street photography with is the 35mm or 50eq.
This is also known as the “nifty fifty” and it’s what most people start out with.
Along with the 23mm, the 35mm makes up a focal length that resembles the “natural eye”, so it’s great for street photography.
Whichever one you pick first, is your choice, of course.
The Pros of the 35mm
There are many benefits to learning street photography with a 35mm.
The first being: it’s fairly easy to use.
Ironically for me, coming from the 23mm, the 35mm was an awkward transition.
But most people don’t actually have a problem with it.
This is because the focal length is quite easy to use.
It’s tighter when compared to the 23mm so you can practice street photography without having to get too close.
Furthermore, the “look” of a 35mm feels more “professional”.
It’s compression instantly gives it that feel that “you’re taking this with an actual camera”, rather than the 23mm which can sometimes be mistaken as a smartphone.
Similarly, the 35mm covers what I’d call “beginner mistakes”.
When learning street photography, there can be a lot of things to think about.
And many beginners, find themselves with their hands full with the camera settings, the framing, etc.
In doing so, they’ll give less attention to the composition and framing of their subjects, and keep unnecessary things in frame.
The 35mm makes this a whole lot easier.
This is because it eliminates a lot of these unnecessary elements and subjects from your photos naturally, as it’s a tighter lens than the 23mm.
Whereas with a wider lens, you have to figure out how to make it work or move to a place where those unnecessary elements don’t exist.
These limitations of a wider lens don’t exist so much with a 35mm, making it easier to frame and compose the image.
And a wider lens, because it’s a tough teacher, can be better to use later.
So those are the pros of the 35mm.
Let’s talk about it’s limitations.
The Limitations of the 35mm
When it comes to street photography, the 35mm can be a bit tight.
I know, this is one of the benefits of the 35mm, but every pro has a con.
For the 35mm, I find this to be especially true indoors.
If you go to coffee shops, restaurants, etc, it can be difficult to get certain shots because the 35mm is too tight.
And in many of these cases, a 23mm would be preferred.
Also, we don’t get the benefit of learning how to move our feet, as we would with a wider lens.
Because of it’s nature, the 35mm is easier to take street photos with from a distance.
Meaning you don’t have to get as close as with the 23mm.
This is a good thing, yes, but it can also lead to bad habits.
Those being less intimate photos, less incentive to move your feet, and less getting out of your comfort zone.
So although the 35mm is a good focal length, it can be a crutch as well.
And I find many street photographers settling into the 35mm, not wanting to experiment or play with other focal lengths because of this.
The comfort zone of the 35mm can be a tricky one, and if you’re not careful can trap and limit your street photography.
Again, your preferences, your choices, but I think it’s a good idea to experiment and challenge yourself every now and then.
What Lenses Are My Options?
When it comes to the X-Mount system, you have a few options for the 35mm.
I personally use the 33mm 1.4 and the 35mm on the 18-55 the most.
But there’s also an affordable 35mm f2 option and an older f1.4 option as well.
You can also get the XC version if you need something cheaper.
And thankfully, because this is a standard focal length, there are plenty of third party lenses at your disposal.
I think a cheaper lens is good enough to learn the focal length, and a more pricey lens is a better investment once you know you need it.
Do a little digging, pick the lens that fits your budget, and get going.
The 23 and 35 Combo
As you can tell, each focal length has both pros and cons, and no one focal length can do it all.
It’s for this reason that I think the combination of the two has such a powerful effect.
Because each focal length has its limitations, you can use the one to balance the other one out.
When the 23mm is too wide or difficult to use, you can use the 35mm.
When you find yourself getting too comfortable or the environment is too close for a 35, you can switch to a 23mm.
Furthermore, I find these two focal lengths to be the most flexible and versatile in any given situation or environment.
Whether you’re out in a big city like Tokyo or just on a walk in your local neighborhood, both focal lengths work.
This is why I think these two are the best for learning street photography.
They will teach you the fundamentals and basics without being too extreme.
And they’ll allow you to experiment with different types of photography without making it too foreign.
From road trips to everyday hangouts, from downtown areas to little suburbs, a solid 23mm or 35mm can cover 90% of your photography.
Using these two to learn photography will give you direction when you decide to branch out to more extreme focal lengths.
Some photographers like including an ultra wide or telephoto lens in their street photography kit.
And although I think this can give a unique appeal and look to your overall catalog, I wouldn’t recommend them for beginners.
Not only are they more challenging to use, they can be difficult to understand and “see” the world in a way you’re not used to.
Those focal lengths will make more sense when you understand street photography better.
You’ll know if you like sitting from afar, fishing, and carefully composing a shot.
And a 35mm in that case will tell you you’d prefer something tighter.
Or you’ll know if you like getting close and into the mix of the crowds, where the action lies.
And the 23mm in that case will tell you you need something wider.
But don’t start out with these more extreme focal lengths, because you need some experience and a reference point first.
And even then, an ultra wide or tight perspective will probably only make up 5-10% of your photos - the majority will be taken with something more standard.
So the 23mm and 35mm.
These lenses complement each other, cover each’s limitations, and teaches you different things.
They will teach you street photography, your preferences, and where to go next.
Sometimes this may mean branching out, other times it means sticking to either one.
I myself, stick to the 23 and use the 35 occasionally.
That’s what works for me, but you may be different.
Anyways, I hope you found this useful or helpful.
Comment (on YouTube) which focal length you prefer for street photography and why.
And if you’d like to learn more, check out Photography Essentials, it’s free.
You can also support me by adding to the travel fund or picking up a copy of “The Sinking Sun”.
Thanks for reading, have a great day.